Pets (Домашние животные)

Guardian Angel Absorb 20% of Damage
Increases Maximum Health +50
Imp Increases attack and wizardry by 30%
Horn of Uniria
Horn of Dinorant Increases damage by 15%
Absorb 10% of damage
Dark Horse
Dark Raven
Horn of Fenrir Horn of Fenrir Red
Plasma Storm (Mana:50)
Horn of Fenrir +Destroy Horn of Fenrir Black
Plasma Storm (Mana:50)
Increases final damage by 10%
Increases Movement Speed
Horn of Fenrir +Protect Horn of Fenrir Blue
Plasma Storm (Mana:50)
Absorbs 10% of final damage
Increases Movement Speed
Horn of Fenrir +Illusion Horn of Fenrir Gold
Plasma Storm (Mana:50)
200 HP increase
200 Mana
33 attack power increase
16 wizardy increase
Demon Increases Attack Power and Wizardry by 40%
Spirit of Guardian Absorbs monsters damage to your character by 30%
Increases Maximum Life by 50
Pet Rudolf Collects zen automaticall
Pet Panda EXP 20% increase
Сollects Zen around
Increase defensive skill +50
Wear it with Panda Transformation Ring and get 20% extra EXP
Pet Unicorn Collects zen automatically
Zen increase +50%
Defensibility + 50
Pet Skeleton Collects zen automatically
Attack power/Wizardry/Curse spell 20% increase
Attack speed increase +10
Exp 30% increase
Wear it with Skeleton Transformation Ring and get 30% extra EXP